
In today’s digital era, where convenience is key, why not extend the ease of services to healthcare? At Prodigy Healthcare, we recognize the demands of busy lives and unforeseen circumstances that may hinder in-person attendance. That’s why we introduced Prodigy Telehealth™, our exclusive solution allowing clients to remotely engage in our diverse programs just like traditional in-person group therapy.

Our encrypted sessions ensure HIPAA compliance and are led by highly trained professionals employing the latest evidence-based practices, such as Moral Reconation Therapy™. We are committed to breaking down treatment barriers, making quality care easily accessible to everyone, regardless of location or life stage.

Benefits for Referral Sources

Benefits for Clients

Expand Your Reach

Why struggle with recurring recidivism, due to the various factors that affect people's daily lives? With Prodigy Telehealth™, location limits and treatment barriers are now a thing of the past.

Lighten Your Caseload

Remember the old adage, work smarter not harder? That is exactly what Prodigy Telehealth™ is designed to do; assist in client treatment alternatives.

Benefits for Clients

Become a Better You

We know that sometimes life can get in the way of your treatment and we want to see you succeed in your program. With Prodigy Telehealth™ we've got you covered with the flexibility of remote programs.